Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Takrut metta maha Sanaeh 人缘魅力符管

Takrut  Metta  Maha Sanaeh - Luang Por Supot

Type of AmuletMercy Charm, Seduction Spell

Year of Issue2557
MakerLuang Por Supot
Dimensions 6.5Cm Long
TempleWat Sri Song Tham
Recommended UsesEnchant Others, Convert Enemies into Friends, Recieve Compassion and Mercy and Assistance from Others, Love Charm
Magical AspectsMetta Mahaniyom, Maha Sanaeh, Kaa Khaay.

The Takrut Metta Maha Sanaeh is perfecly intended for use as a Mercy Charm and Seduction Spell to Seduce your Lovers into Loving You, and to Induce Compassion and Mercy in the Hearts of those whose Help you need or to Gain their Favour. The spell will dispel Anger in the Hearts of your Enemies and those who Dislike You, or whom you are having Disputes with. The Takrut can even induce the favor of Devas and Spirit Beings who will look kindly upon you.

Carry the Takrut with you wherever you travel to smooth your way, and for job seeking and employment interviews. Pray to it silently before approaching those who you wish to seduce, or before making a sales speech.

The Takrut can be used by Men or Women, as a Maha Sanaeh Charm






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