Wednesday, 7 September 2016

龙婆苏普LP Supot

LUANGPHO SUPOT, abbot of Wat Sri Song Tham, Nakhon Sawan province is a famous guru monk. He was born on 25 January 1945 C.E. in Samutprakan Province. He got ordained on 20 February 1965 C.E. at Wat ProdKetChetThaRam in Samut Prakan province. LP Supot studied mantras and meditation from many experienced guru monks. 

LP Supot loves to help people. Amulets he makes are to help people like he ever said *I want my disciples to have better life*.  If you see LP Supot for the first time, you may think he strict because he is direct and speaks loudly, but in reality he is very kind. When people ask LP Supot to bless or write Yant, he always does it for people. One told that he came to LP Supot and LP Supot kindly inscribed Takrut for him.  

LP Supot is confident in his amulets because he sets his heart on blessing. He says he wants disciples to get really powerful amulets. He dares if people want to prove his amulets. Moreover, LP Supot is said to be one of guru monks who inscribe Takrut best in Thailand. 

Most experiences of worshipers are about protection. One who has Takrut by LP Supot was ever shot many times, but he did not die only his bone broke because bullets did not get into his skin.  That event happened in 2009. 


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