Friday, 23 September 2016

Mahesuan 颠倒佛

Nuea Chin Mahe Suan Amulet (has authentic code)
Temple:Wat Mahatat 
Phra Mahesuan is one of top 5 popular amulets in Thailand that has superb power in protection from dangers, weapons, accidents and bad things. Phra Mahesuan also makes the owner invulnerable, charming and get mercy and compromise from people.
Phra Suan also know as Phra Mahesuan from Wat Mahathat Chedi Suphanburi, Nur Chin.
This used to be called Phra Suan or the inverted Buddha, but has been nicknamed Phra Mahesuan after a famous criminal named Mahesuan who wore this amulet, was high on the police wanted list back in the day, and is still living today. As with Suphanburi U-thong era amulets, it is believed to impart on the wearer khunkrapan, klaewkhard.

@$68(come with plastic casing)


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