Saturday, 10 September 2016

龙婆碧纳显灵经文LP Pinak Katha

Namo Tassa Pakawato Arahato Summa Sum Buddhussa
Namo Tassa Pakawato Arahato Summa Sum Buddhussa
Namo Tassa Pakawato Arahato Summa Sum Buddhussa

(Recite 3 times)

Ah Hang  Sukato
Pina Piyataro Na Ma Tay Ar Chariyo May
PanTay Ho He

(Recite 3 times)

Budd Tang  Kan Tang  Saranang Har
Budd Tang  Kan Tang  Saranung Hei
Put Tah  Namo Yak

Na Tay Su Tay (recite as many times as the age of worshipper)
Maha Su Tay Na Char

Katha to fulfill your wishes

Na Tay Su Tay (recite as many times as the age of worshipper)
Maha Su Tay Na Char

Katha to relieve your debts (for turtle/ cow amulets)

Put Ta

Katha to avoid danger ( for hen / giant-snake amulets)


Katha to call upon fortune ( for lion / cow amulets)

Yak Tar

Katha to decrease your sins ( for AA amulets)

Pan Tay

After your wish was fulfilled you must prepare the following items to worship the sacred souls of the amulets.

-One cigarette (should be lighted)

-One bottle of Kratingdaeng (or Red Bull )

-Jasmine wreath or white flowers

-Fresh water (1 glass)

-Small food items


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