Friday, 23 September 2016

Phra Suphan素攀佛

Phra Suphan Lang Pan was found in the large Phra Prang of Phra Sri Rattana Maha That Temple. Phra Suphan Lang Pan is made of silver-based alloy. The appearance is similar to Phra Mahesuan.It has two-sided except that the backside of Phra Suphan Lang Panrepresents the plough and small Buddha Image in the middle.

Phra Suphan Lang Pan belong to U-Thogn art. The Buddha Image is in the attitude of subduing Mara posture, sitting in Soom Rassamee (House with the surrounding radius) on lotus base. The backside being found represents many textures; plough, bell and fabric texture. The blessing powers are bringing invincibility, and protecting wearer from all dangers. The real size is 3.5 centimetres width and 5 centimetres height (Large mould).


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