Sunday, 11 September 2016

Somdej LP Kuay 2515

An extremely attractive somdej with genuine gem stones.  Blessed by Luang Phor Kuay this is for obvious reasons a very populoar amulet. Exceptional value and in exceptional condition.

Although most websites, including Thai websites, will list this amulet as Wat Kositaram, this is incorrect, as it was in fact  blessed at a large ceremony at  Wat Ratnada in BE 2515, attended by many of the most famous monks of the era. The amulet was created as a dedication to and recognition of Luang Phor Kuay.

At the same ceremony the Somdej Roi Ploi, Somdej Lang Bpru Nang, Somdej Song Na Roi Ploi and a Somdej set known as Wat Pra PutBaat Saraburi, Somdej Pra Putbaat Pracha Rak and Somdej Ju Lom were also blessed. Luang Phor Kuay was master of ceremonies.



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