Sunday, 10 July 2016

Salika Koo

Salika Koo

Master:Archan Pakong

Year : BE 2559


Size:1.5CM X 2.5CM

Magical Effect: Metta Mahaniyong,Kaa 

Khaay,Maha Sanaeh ,Choke Lap.
Successful oratory,charming speech,good sales and commerce ,seduction of the opposite sex.

Price $48

This heart shape image Salika  are Love Birds and can not live without their Mate, so Archan Pakong uses  an image of the male and female Salika entwined inextricably in Loving Embrace, or Mating Posture.
Inside is Salika oil special chant and bless by Archan Pakong to enhance the power.
Behind is yant Salika Archan Pakong for make the image more effective in business and relationship.


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