Sunday, 10 July 2016

Khun Chang Maha Sethee

Khun Chang Maha Sethee

Master: Archan Pakong


Magical Effects:Maha Lap, Metta Mahaniyom, Maha Sanaeh, Maha Pokasap
Material:Sacred Powders, herb, Woods,  Jade & other Gems.

Recommended UsesSuccessful, SunBusiness, gambling, seduction, wealthy fortunes.

Size:2.5CM X 3Cm


Khun Chang is the extremely wealthy millionaire elephant herder of the Royal Courts, who is depicted in the famous Thai literary epic of Khun Chang Khun Phaen, of Kumarn Tong Fame. As an object of reverence, he is representative of all wealthy treasured collectors and wealthy businessmen. For those who are aiming at becoming millionaires there is perhaps no better amulet to worship than the Khun Chang amulet.

Khun Chang is falsely believed by many, even Thai people, to be pretty much of a mean hearted person, this is in truth not the case. If one really knows the story, one knolls, that Khun Chang was as kind and loving to Khun Phaen’s wife and child as Khun Phaen himself, and, that they (Khun Chang & Khun Phaen) were both extremely good friends. Almost brothers, in fact. Both of the Khun Chang and Pra Khun Phaen amulets are worshipped for Gambling, Business and Romantic success.

Indeed however, the Khun Chang amulet, is much more fitting and representative of obvious success in increasing wealth and treasured possessions. This is because the Pra Khun Phaen amulet is despite its wealth increasing power, not as representative of such as is the Khun Chang amulet. Reason being, that in the story, Khun Phaen is much poorer than Khun Chang.

Khun Chang was a very wealthy man with many capital assets and rich possessions who because of his immensely stored up positive Kamma was born into a rich family and who he himself never knew the meaning of hard labor. Because of his immense wealth he was very popular and well renound as a giver.

He was even said to have many female suitors due to his wealth alone. Those who venerate Khun Chang believe that he will bestow upon them great luck and rank as well as compassion and popularity.

The most commonly known aspect of Khun Chang is that he is very beneficial for monetary gains, whether to find day work or any kind of night trade. Khun Chang lends his prowess to those who are civil servants and even students taking examinations, the wicha of Khun Chang is a powerful and legendary one granting many possibilites. With this amulet one can add to the legendary epic a new chapter of Khun Chang's generosity. Whoever does not currently have any love in their life, with this amulet will soon find love if their heart so desires.


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