Friday, 8 July 2016

Dancing Plakit

Item:Dancing Plakit 
Master:Archan Pakong 
Material:Holy Brass 

Archan Pakong strongly bless this batch Plakit more than 3 months and make this Plakit  dancing itself then let the devotees rent this Plakit .This Plakit  was made to brings great auspicious ,good business(wealth), great luck, Metta Maha Saney, Metta Maha Niyom for the owner. This Plakit  mainly consecrated for Metta (personal attractiveness).

 Naturally attract the opposite sex and have a satisfying love life. Not just go after someone, but have the opposite sex chase you instead. Make a woman become emotionally dependent on you. This is essential if you want her to fall in love with you. You get to catch a girl's trust, attention and attraction, more than anything else. Change your self confidence, for good, so that you no longer feel anxiety, self doubt and nervousness when approaching women and starting conversations. Instantly makes any girl feel special, and makes you irresistible. To attract woman, Like Bees To Honey, and seduce absolutely beautiful women. You get to develop great charisma and become a lot more sexually attractive. More interest, eye contact and “look-backs” from women.


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