Saturday, 23 July 2016

Takrut Tone Maha Yant

Excellent Takrut of eternal powerful magic you must not miss! 

100% Authentic from Temple 

Name: Takrut Tone Maha Yant 

Power: The name of Takrut Tone Maha Yant mean defend .This Takrut has excellent power to turn bad luck to good luck. If your life is going down, this Takrut can help you. It can support your fortune and ascendancy. It will bring you wealth and charm. This Takrut can also protect you from dangers and fierce animals and poisonous animals. The effect of Takrut Tone Maha Yant is great for Kongkrapan (Body Protection), Maha Utt (Arms Protection), Protect from Evil Spirits and Illness .Moreover, when you pray to this Takrut for something, you will be fulfilled. 

Monk:khuba krissana,LP Song Chai,Archan Pakong,and others Rusi.

Year:BE 2558

Size: 0.5cm x 13cm



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