Sunday, 17 July 2016

Phra Puthawadee

Item:Phra Puthawadee

Temple:Wat Pathom Jeedee,Nakhon Pathon


Material: Nur Chern Nuang ,mix with first batch BE2506 material bless and chanted by 
Khun Pan Tarak Ratchadej ,PT Klai Wat Suan Kan, Archan Pahn Wat Kao Or, Lp Mun Wat Kao Daeng-terwan ork, Archan Jet Wat Kao Daeng-terwan tok, Lp Tae Wat Sam Ngam, Lp Ngern Wat Donyaihom and many others.

Effect: Protection , wealth fetching ,increase luck and  metta.

This batch of amulets went through the ceremony known as PuthaWadee. Commence 2 ceremony  in Nakorn Srithammarat and 1 in Nakhon Pathom. Many monks and masters join this batch of chanting. 

Note: New condition Come with original temple box .



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