Sunday, 20 November 2016

Takrut Gan Chong

Lucky Takrut Gan Chong
Monk:LP Kam Nuan

Power: If you feel unlucky, you should have this Takrut immediately! The power will make you lucky and successful. Moreover, it will bring you windfall and make you win a rival and safe from bad powers and bad spirits.  

Material: a metal sheet, inscribed with powerful magical script, tied with 5 colors string.


 减轻债务压力造就财富 圣物:云端之上泽度金 寺庙:威韩纳拉提瓦 佛历:2551 系列:增加财富 三宝铜材料 在泰国南部的那拉提瓦府,有一座威韩纳拉提瓦泽度金寺庙。这座寺庙因其独特的圣物而闻名,这些圣物并不是为了销售获利,而是为了让信徒们获得泽度金的祝福。其中最为著名的便是“云端...