Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Nakprok Charay BE2514

Nakprok Charay BE2514

Rian Nakprok Charay, Chao Khun Nor, Nua Thongdang (copper type). Made to commemorate the Monk Robe Offering Ceremony at Wat Oun-puttharam, Chachengsao Province in BE 2514 (CE 1971), made by Office of Commissioner General, Royal Thai Police (Charay Tamruat), Thailand. Blessed by Chao Khun Nor at theTemple of Wat Thepsirin, Bangkok.

*with Certificate of Authenticity from G-PRA

Rian Pra Nakprok Charay was blessed by Chao Khun Nor of Wat Thepsirin on Dec 5, BE 2513 (HM King Bhumibol’s Birthday Anniversary) at the temple of Wat Thepsirin, Bangkok. This Batch of Pra Nakprok amulets was made by Police Lieutenant General Chana Wong-cha-aoom for giving to policemen who stationed in risky and dangerous areas all over Thailand, and for public purchase for a fundraiser for Wat Cha-auumputtharam, Chachengsao Province. There are 3 types of material used for the production of Pra Nakprok Charay, gold = 100 pcs made, silver = 100 pcs made, and black coated copper alloy = 84,000 pcs made.

*Samples of astonishing miracle incident ever recorded at the Royal Thai Police Bureau, the daily report from policemen who wore Pra Nakprok Charay of Chao Khun Nor.

1)Many policemen hung Pra Nakprok Charay on the trees, and opened fire with many type of firearms, but all bullets failed to fire. Then those policemen load those fail to fire bullets to their firearms, and turned their firearms away from Pra Nakprok Charay, those bullets fired themselves, they worked normal. 

2)8 policemen were shot, bullets couldn’t pass through their skin.

3)37 policemen were shot with many types of firearms including M16, but the bullets missed those policemen.

4)1 Border Patrol Police, a landmine survivor, he stood on a land mine, he heard a click sound then he pulled his leg up, but that land mine did not blow up.

5)2 policemen were unharmed after being hit by cars.

6)2 policemen were unharmed after car crashes

7)2 policemen were unharmed after motorcycle crashes

8)1 policeman was unharmed after falling from 4 stories building.

9)49 policemen was bitten by dogs, but dogs’ teeth couldn’t pass through their skin.

10)1 policeman couldn’t manage to start his boat motor, then he put Rian Pra Nakprok Charay in his hands and pray, and boat engine started by itself.


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