Thursday, 19 October 2017

LP Thuad Wan mix Leklai powder

Phra Khong Khwan LP Thuad Wan mix Leklai powder

Phra LP Thuad wan mix Leklai the Giveaway was that the building since 2537, which has yet to construction of the LP Thuad The world's largest.
Mixed powder wan Leklai use mass spectrometry.The creation of 300,000 from the temple had preserved. And every time the object was created. Chanting ceremony will be attended by ceremony 20 participants each time.
And when the temple was built LP Thuad The world's largest finish brings preserved under the base LP Thuad The world's largest Always.
Until the new year BE 2553. That is a reasonable time, thus opening the dungeon under the base LP Thuad The world's largest therefore brings out the Buddhist congregations who are faithful to worship together.


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