Sunday, 26 March 2017

Takrut Tone Maha Rood Mongkol Chatree

Magical Invincible Takrut Tone Maha Rood Mongkol Chatree in Way of LP Jong

Material:  This Takrut is made of lead. LP Yuang mindfully inscribed Yant on the lead sheet the same way LP Jong did (LP Jong Wat NaTang Nok, superb guru monk of Ayutthaya province who taught mantra to LP Yuang). 
The Takrut is all tied with a holy thin rope. 

  LP Yuang blessed this Takrut with holy mantra of LP Jong, his teacher. 

**Power (Phuttha Khun):  
This Takrut is made after powerful Takrut Tone of LP Jong which built miracles to worshipers about being invulnerable to dangers and weapons. For example, in time of Indochina War 1940 C.E. and World War Two 1945 C.E. that many Thai soldiers who had talismans from LP Jong such as Takrut Tone, 16 series Takrut and Yant clothes, etc. could survive from bombs and guns. 
Thus this Takrut suits people looking for a great talisman to be invincible to dangers and weapons. 

Release Year: 2554 B.E. 


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