Thursday, 16 March 2017

LP Yai, Wat Pa

Mystery from Nature Discovered by Skillful Guru

100% Authentic from Temple 

Name:  Takrut Phalang Lokkathat 

From: LP Yai, Wat Pa Phrathamyannamunee, Nakhon Pathom Province

Material: metal Takrut covered with powerful mass which is made up of 59 ingredients: Lek Lai (different features), other minerals and powder of believed plants and woods. 

Special: embedded with Lek Lai, holy mineral solids 

Power: 59 ingredients produce different miraculous powers in Protection, Charm, Wealth and Health. 

1. Protection: being invulnerable 
2. Charm called Metta Maha Niyom: receiving mercy and kindness from people 
3. Wealth: attracting money, supporting business 
4. Health: 
4.1) increase physical energy 
4.2) send good wave to body 
4.3) make balance of body and mind 
4.4) make body system work effectively 
4.5) help blood circulation
4.6) reinforce muscles and tendons 
4.7) help inside body absorb water better
4.8) protect brain from being affected by electromagnetic radiation (from a cell phone, etc.)
4.9) reduce muscle pain, backache and inflammation
4.10) help you sleep easily 
4.11) help the immune system and the endocrine system
4.12) fight against cancer and bacteria 
4.13) cure paresis and paralysis
4.14) reinforce mind power and meditation 
4.15) reduce depression state 

Usage: Wear on your neck. 
Objectives: Proceeds from this will join LP Yai in building Lek Lai Museum at Wat Pa Phrathamyannamunee, Nakhon Pathom province in order to conserve science of Lek Lai (supernatural mineral) for next generation. 


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