Saturday, 25 March 2017

LP Chaeng of Wat Bang-phang, Nontaburi

Phra Somdej Pim Hanuman Baek-tan (supported by Hanuman), Nua Pong Namman Pasom Wan (Sacred Herbal powder + tung oil), Lang Lek Ha (with Thai number 5 in the back) made by LP Chaeng of Wat Bang-phang, Nontaburi  Province on Sao Ha (auspicious Saturday 5th of Thai astrological calendar), made before BE 2485

 *This one can replace expensive LP Parn’s Pim Hanuman amulet, there’s nothing different….

Best FOR:

- Kongkraphanchatrie / invulnerable to gunshot and sharp object injury.

- Maha-ut / stop gunshot.

- Mettamahaniyom / gaining kindness, loving and compassion from people all around you.

- Klawklad / protect, push you away, and save you from fatal accident, murder, assault..etc

LP Chaeng of Wat Bangphang (BE 2428 - BE 2500), a disciple of :

- LP Parn, Wat Banghere(Klongdan)

- LP Parn, Wat Bangnomko

- LP Chong, Wat Nartang-nork

- LP Kai, Wat Chenglane

- LP Chai, Wat Panangcheng

- And disciples of LP Suk, Wat Pakklong Makarmtao


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