Monday, 20 June 2016

Takrut Maha Jakkapat

Takrut Maha Jakkapat

Temple:Wat Phrayatikaram,Ayutaya

Monk:LP Cherem  and other high respect monk blessing 

Size:5 inch.

 Material: Silver

The Takrut Maha Jakkapat uses the Ancient Wicha of Wat Pradoo Song Tam using the power of the Yant  Pra Puttakun 56, pra Tammakun 38 and Pra Sangkakun 14, which add together to make the Sacred Buddhist number 108. The Takrut Possesses the following properties;

The Yant used was used by Ancient Masters, who gathered forces to make a Yant inscribed upon a large stone , which was then immersed in a lake, so that students of the Tripitaka who drank the waters of the lake would develop better intelligence and a clearer memory of their studies.

The Takrut can be used to immerse in the holy water bowl, and the water can be used to drink a little, spray on your forehead, for good health, long life, and increase your success and prestige in the social and profesional areas of life.

For increased 'Dtaba Decha' (Recieve Honors, Glory, Respect and Promotion, and more dominion and influence), the Takrut can be worn on a waist cord as a 'Takrut Ruud' (waist slider). Wear it on the front to increase the power to Impress others with your Glory - those you approach wil be intimidated and scared to offend, and want to please you.

Gamblers can take the Takrut in the same way and slide it around the waist cord to face the back, and tell the Takrut how much you wish to win. Aim for and be satisfied with the specified amount. Do not bee too greedy each time, rather set yourself reasonable goals. If you find the right balance, you will experience a constant rise in your ration of winnings against losses, and thus a constant rise in your savings.

For increase Business Sales, use the Takrut for the Immersion Method to make Holy water, and spray the water on the wares you wish to sell.

Even if someone is Possessed by a Ghost, or there are Poltergeists or Hauntings, the Takrut wil make Holy Water powerful enough to cast them out.

The Takrut Maha Jakkapat is also able to heal illnesses, by spraying Holy Water from its Immersion, and is good to spray on your head if you are in defence of a Court Hearing.

The multi purpose ability of the Takrut Maha Jakkapat as well as its Regal Origins, are part of the reason why this Takrut and this Wicha is always so heavily sought after by devotees, and due to the rarity of occasions where this Takrut is issued, the Takrut can be considered to be an eternal rarity which is always sadly more in demand than available. We try to keep them stocked but even we end up losing the battle due to the massive imbalance of availability against demand.

To protect against Black Magic and Sorcery, take some sand and some Holy Water from the Takrut, and pour them on the doorstep. It will banish any evil ghosts and if any spirits or ill wishers step on it, they will encounter their own downfall, and be unable to hurt those who dwell within that household.

For Holy Water making you can chant many different prayers or Katha depending on which kind of magic you wish to evoke from the Takrut. its versatility permits so many options.


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