Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Takrut Maha Amnat Kan Phai

Takrut Maha Amnat Kan Phai

Monk: LP Song Chai

Temple:Wat Nong Kream

Year: B.E. 2558(C.E. 2015)

Material: Lead sheet

Size: 3inch 
This Takrut have two types of function.

First is :

  Maha Amnat (Powerful) that there are great powers about make worshipper to be more powerful and protect dangerous from animals.

Second is :
 Kan Phai (protection) this Yant can protect a worshipper from ghost, disasters and black magic

This takrut will keep away all inauspicious fates and dangers, and keep enemies at a distance. It can protect against ghosts, demons and black magic curses, as well as possessing Klaew Klaad and Kong Grapan power. It is in effect, a reflective shield that throws any negative energy back from whence it came.

For those seeking powerful protection against accidents, dangers, black magic, bad luck, and to avoid enemies and strangers with bad intentions, this Takrut is a highly recommendable magic spell to possess.


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