Sunday, 3 January 2016

Takrut Metta Maha Niyong Maha Saney

Type of Amulet Takrut Metta Maha Niyong Maha Saney
Year of Issue2558
MakerLuang Pho Song Chai
Dimensions3 CM
TempleWat Nong Kream

Recommended UsesGambling, lottery, charm,good for relationships 

Magical AspectsMetta mahaniyom, maha saneh, choke lap, maha laluay, siang choke, choke lap, maha lap

The Takrut Metta Mah Niyong  Maha Sanaeh is made by LP Song Chai who empowered the takrut for the full Dtraimas period of three months in the year 2558.

This Takrut is a master wicha with four different spells inside it: (1) metta; (2) mahaniyom; (3) choke lap; and (4) maha laluay. These four magical spells cause the takrut to function as very powerful attraction charm, as well as a means to get rich quick.

 Each takrut is hand inscribed with two different yantra spells, namely montr tewada long hong (magic spell of the 'deva getting lost in the wrong bedroom') and montr taep ram jun ('dancing deva' enchantment charm). consecutively, during which he performed the ritual empowerment every night.


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