Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Kun Peng Tewada Lun 2

Kun Peng Tewada Lun 2

-6 takrut with precious stone
-LP Bpan Wat NA Dee
Magic effect:metta maha niyong ,Maha Lap,maha saney ,kaa khai

Increase good business, romantic attraction ,convincing speech and gambling success

Kun Peng Tewada this model is 2nd edition after the immense success of the first edition Kun Peng Tewada . This version have 6 silver takrut inserted into the rear and base of this special limited edition magical charm for love ,attract and riches (5 takruts in base and one in the rear face).immensely powerful with a compelling aroma is so rich in magical substance and addition powder ,that you can sense it's magnetism from close by.


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