Monday, 3 November 2014

Archan Nam Kaew Jan

Monk / Master: Archan Nam Kaew Jan
Temple: Wat Donsala
Year: 2506
Amulet: Phra Leela Put Ta Ra Wa Dee
Additional info: Archan Nam became a monk from a kalawat in 2505 and Khun Pan Tarak Ratchadej retired from the police force at about the same time. So,they decided to create one batch of amulets to commemorate the 2 events.this batch of amulets were created. A total of 3 ceremonies were gone through. 2 in Nakorn Srithammarat and 1 in Nakhon Pathom. Many monks and masters join this batch of chanting. PT Klai Wat Suan Kan, Archan Pahn Wat Kao Or, Lp Mun Wat Kao Daeng-terwan ork, Archan Jet Wat Kao Daeng-terwan tok, Lp Tae Wat Sam Ngam, Lp Ngern Wat Donyaihom and many others. On the 21 May 2506, King Rama 9 even brought along the famous Phra Chitlada to be broken and mixed into the powder mixture .one code at the back.


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