Monday, 3 November 2014

Power of Yant Tri Nisinghe

Power of Yant Tri Nisinghe
- In ancient Thailand, Guru Monks drew / engraved Yant Tri Nisinghe on Takruts, and they believed that the owners of that takruts with Yant Tri Nisinghe could ask for anything they want, and those takruts would grant what they were wishing for.
- The war prisoners would put takruts with Yant Tri Nisinghe in their mouths and prayed 108 times of Yant Tri Nisinghe Khata, th...ey could untie themselves from robe, chains and locks, and they could escape from the prisoners camp without any notice from the guards.
- The defendants who had committed serious crimes, and they will be sentenced to death. They would be later have mercy from the judge and the jury to spare their lives if those prisoners put takruts or Yantra Banners with Yant Tri Nisinghe drawing, and prayed 108 times of Yant Tri Nisinghe Khata before the judgment.
- To be invisible to anyone, people would put Tekrut with Yant Tri Nisinghe in their mouths and pray 108 times of Khata.
- To be safe from poisonous/ dangerous animal is to put takrut with Yant Tri Nisinghe in their mouths, and pray 108 times of Khata


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