Thursday, 21 December 2017

Phra Somdej Wat Rakang Pim Nakaprok

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Phra Somdej Wat Rakang Pim Nakaprok Pim (Niyom) Lp Hin 2500 B.E Famous pim

Maker by : LP Hin

Origin : Wat Rakhang, Bangkok

Year : Be2495-2500

Material : Holy powder , Mixed many Old powder of somdej Wat Rakang by Somdej Toh

Size : 2.8 x 4cm

Purpose : Wealth , Metta, Lucky, Protect, Complete power.

LP Hin was a jungle and pilgrim monk, he made on-foot pilgrimage to Burma and Laos through jungle tracks. LP Hin lived at Wat ThangLuang, Ayuthaya for 11 years. LP Hin practiced ultra Dhamma and was very able in Buddhist incantation, he highly respected Somdej Toh. LP Hin permanently lived at Wat Rakang since B.E.2478 by the invitation of LP Nak, the then Abbot of Wat Rakang. 

LP Hin was a senior Guru monk of Wat Rakang. Even LP Hin was around 10 years junior to LP Nak--the Abbot, but he was highly accepted and respected by LP Nak for incantation knowledge. After B.E.2500, LP Nak often busy for invitation to join blessing ceremonies, many times that the LP Nak's holy powder for making Somdej amulets were prepared by LP Hin.

When LP Hin was still alive, a throng of people often gather in front of his Guti waiting for Somdej amulets presented by LP Hin himself.

LP Hin was invited to join so many famous, important consecration ceremonies such as Wat Prasart in B.E. 2506, 100 Pee Wat Rakang B.E.2515, Phra Kring 84 Years Siriraj B.E. 2517, etc. 

LP Hin passed away in B.E.2521 at the age of 79.


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