Thursday, 6 April 2017

Wealth collection Takrut Yat Phet

Wealth collection Takrut Yat Phet – The best powerful Takrut of Metta Maha Saney (LP Daeng, Wat Pom Raman, Ayutthaya province) 

Don’t miss good occasion to worship excellent Takrut with strong power. 

100% Authentic from temple

Name: Takrut Yat Phet

From: LP Daeng, Wat Pom Raman, Ayutthaya province

Material: this charm Takrut created from holy metal sheet. 

Year: B.E.2552 (C.E.2009)

Purpose for making: LP Daeng will donate the money for develop and restore the building in the temple.

Ceremony: LP Daeng properly blessed Takrut Yat Phet for long time in auspicious day at Buddhist church of Wat Pom Raman. 

Powerful: Takrut Yat Phet by LP Daeng has several excellent powers such as bring wealth, luck, property and good business to worshiper. In addition, there is great power about charm and attractive too.

Presented: this powerful Takrut covered with holy powders and herbs.

Biography of LP Daeng:

LP Daeng was born in Nakhon Ratchasima province. LP Daeng graduated bachelor’s degree from RamKhamHeang University. Then LP Daeng decided to ordain. LP Daeng learned the magic from many magical experts such as LP Phon from Wat NangNu, Phra Arjarn KrittiSak from Wat MahaThat and the other. LP Daeng is well known in charming, lucky and change the fate. Nowadays, LP Daeng is abbot at Wat Pom Raman and there are many Thai actors and actresses respect in LP Daeng.

Special Miracle Story about LP Daeng’s amulet:
There was a rutted elephant that has killed 7 people. It was wicked that there is nobody to near it so people invited LP Daeng to suppress the elephant. LP Daeng wore Takrut Metta Maha Niyom on a neck of rutted elephant. After that, the elephant was calmly and acted respecting to LP Daeng by lift the trunk. 


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