Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Singplang Plang chewit (change your life)

Singplang Plang chewit (change your life)

This Batch from Wai-Kru ceremony(Worship elders/masters spirits) B.E.2552

Stunning image of Singplang(Transform Lion God), with the head and skin of Dragon . Body of the Lion god name Norasing. Tail of King Musshanu, fish king calling wealth, 4 feets of Eagles's claws to be able to grab on to everything. The image of Singplang with blessing word by Kruba Krissana "To be bless with gold/money prosperity". 

One of the best amulet blessing mantra by Kruba Krissana. Singplang Amulet blessing great prosperous fortune, this special amulet  blessing mantras best to wear can bring great prosperity, great wealth luck fortune and powerful protection into life and family. This mantras chanted at the ceremony by Kruba Krissana and many monks joined. Singplang blessing mantras bring good fortune, also protect from illness, curse evils/darkenss and misfortune.


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