Sunday, 12 February 2017

Khun Chang Amulet

Wealth for All! 1st Batch Black Khun Chang Amulet

Batch: Maha Larp 100 Pi (100 Pi is a good meaning of 100 years of Kruba Or.)  

Year: 2558 B.E. (2015 C.E.) 

Kruba Or was highly respected by Thai people and foreigners especially Malaysia,    Singapore and Myanmar. With worshipers real experiences, amulets by KB Or are famous and precious.
This is the First Time for Kruba Or to launch Khun Chang Amulet opening Story of Khun Chang, a main character in Thai literature who is a millionaire. 
This newest Khun Chang will bring wealth to all of worshipers.
-1 silver Takrut 

Back have a goat in the water drop. 
-Goat means mercy.
-Water Drop means luck and windfalls. 

Material: holy Ingredients such as gem powder, lucky plant powder, holy powder and Chan Mak (betel nut chewed by kruba Or)

Size: 2.5 x 3.5 cm


 减轻债务压力造就财富 圣物:云端之上泽度金 寺庙:威韩纳拉提瓦 佛历:2551 系列:增加财富 三宝铜材料 在泰国南部的那拉提瓦府,有一座威韩纳拉提瓦泽度金寺庙。这座寺庙因其独特的圣物而闻名,这些圣物并不是为了销售获利,而是为了让信徒们获得泽度金的祝福。其中最为著名的便是“云端...