Tuesday, 24 January 2017

1 st batch loop lor bao too

1 st batch loop lor bao too 
Batch: loom ruai than Jai (get rich quick )
lp whan wat klong koon 
Blessings date : 28-8-2559
1300pcs only
Material: old holy metal " thong daeng "
Effect: Great in Business and overall Good Luck, Overcome all obstacles in life, Strong protection from harm and danger, Enjoyed peace and prosperity, For special great blessing and successful in everything that you do.


 减轻债务压力造就财富 圣物:云端之上泽度金 寺庙:威韩纳拉提瓦 佛历:2551 系列:增加财富 三宝铜材料 在泰国南部的那拉提瓦府,有一座威韩纳拉提瓦泽度金寺庙。这座寺庙因其独特的圣物而闻名,这些圣物并不是为了销售获利,而是为了让信徒们获得泽度金的祝福。其中最为著名的便是“云端...