Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Jow Ngoh

The theme of this collection is Jow Ngoh.  Jow Ngoh (shortly called Ngoh) is a wild man with black skin and curly hair. There is a story about Jow Ngoh in Buddhism. Once, Buddha was born a prince. He was brought up by a kind lady giant. One day, Buddha found the holy wells in the cave by chance. The first well was silver and the second well was golden. Buddha dipped in the golden well and his body shone brightly like gold. Then Buddha saw a magic wild man mask, magic shoes and a magic sword with crystal handle. Buddha wore that magic mask and his body turned Jow Ngoh, Buddha wore those magic shoes and he could fly. Buddha carried the magic sword and went up the sky.

**IN MAGIC, Jow Ngoh image which has been blessed is holy. According to the story, before Buddha transformed into Jow Ngoh, he was good-looking and his body shone like gold. Thus, Jow Ngoh amulet is believed to make owner charming. Moreover, it is believed to bring good luck, wealth, success, prosperity to the owner.  Another benefit, because the story says Jow Ngoh could call many fish, Jow Ngoh amulet will attract money to business. 


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