Wednesday 24 February 2016

Arjan Prasut

Naree Jet Nang Gaew Run Pised Pasom Pong Puttakun - (final edition) Love and Wealth Charm - Pra Ajarn Prasut - Wat Nai Tao (Huay Yord)

seven maidens wrapped around a pillar) or otherwise known as 'Jet Nang Gaew'. This edition is made in Nuea Pong (sacred powders) with some of Luang Pors special charm oil and balm inserted in the base and some of his Civara Robes pasted on the bottom.

The amulet is revered for its power of 'Maha Choke' (Great Luck) and Maha Sanaeh (attraction and charm) and Metta (friendliness iniducing spell). People from all kinds of different professionbs have had positive results with making Bucha to this charm, which is of use to people of all walks of life and professions. The amulet is enjoying success with devotees in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, where Ajarn Prasuts Magic is becoming ever more famous. The Naree Jet Nang Gaew Run Pised (special edition) is the 'Run Sud Tai' (last ever edition) to be made, and this nopw closes the Dtamnan (legend) of the Ajarn Pasut Naree 7 Nang Gaew amulet forever. This is the last time he will have made this kind of amulet. Ajarn Prasut calculated the astrological auspicious dates and times (rerk in Thai), and chose dates which were aligned with Nang Fa and Nang Sawan, which are occasions of very high Maha sanaeh and Metta power. The date was a Monday 14th February 2554 BE (also Valenties Day!!).

Another thing which makes this final edition of Naree 7 Nang Gaew amulets so special, is that they were made using a Naree Jet Nang Gaew made from Mai Yor (a sacred wood) which had been made and soaked in 'Nam Man Jone Hlong' (a very powerful Maha Sanaeh oil) by LP Prasut since long ago. He had always planned to use this extremely ancient and sacred wooden totem as ingredients for the Muan Sarn of the Naree Jet nang Gaew final edition. The reason for very special ingredients in the Muan Sarn of this editon is in order to complete the Dtamnan of this amulet with a flying finish - going out with a bang instead of a whimper, so to speak.

Kata Jet Naree Pan Hlak

(Naree Jet Nang Gaew - seven ladies wrapped around pillar/Shiva lingam)
Gaam Malaamang Idthee Lingka Agandta Dtidt-Chaami Pantang Bpiyang Ma Ma
(once you have chanted, focus your mind on what you are wishing for).


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