Saturday 17 October 2015

elephant hair and Naga Eyes chain

Special combination for this elephant hair and Naga Eyes chain.
"According to superstitions, if you wear an ornament using elephant’s hair like elephant hair ring, elephant hair bracelet, you will be blessed with love. Also you will be happy, healthy, prosperous and rich."
In Thailand some people to have faith in this Naga stone can bring lucky for owner. It is the best items for amulet collector. Because you will having good health and have a mystical powers, the gem stone is believed to banish fear or evil, depression, reduce fever and is believed to be excellent for eyes or vision.


  断穷根大师龙婆彌猜:八方聚财的传奇佛牌 在泰国的众多高僧之中,有一位被誉为“断穷根大师”的传奇人物——龙婆彌猜大师。他所在的寺庙瓦巴甘猜帕塔纳塔兰,位于素琳府,是不少信徒心中的圣地。大师一生致力于帮助信众摆脱贫困,功德无量。他所加持的“圣物”充满了神奇的力量,尤其是“Ng...