Friday 28 August 2015

Takrut Yant Tri

Power of Yant Tri Nisinghei

 - In ancient Thailand, Guru Monks drew / engraved Yant Tri Nisinghei on Takruts, and they believed that the owners of that takruts with Yant Tri Nisinghei could ask for anything they want, and those takruts would grant what they were wishing for.
- The war prisoners would put takruts with Yant Tri Nisinghei in their mouths and prayed 108 times of Yant Tri Nisinghei katha , they could untie themselves from robe, chains and locks, and they could from the prisoners camp without any notice from the guards.
- The defendants who had committed serious crimes, and they will be sentenced to death. They would be later have mercy from the judge and the jury to spare their lives if those prisoners put takruts or Yantra Banners with Yant Tri Nisinghei drawing, and prayed 108 times of Yant Tri Nisinghei katha before the judgment.
- To be invisible to anyone, people would put Tekrut with Yant Tri Nisinghei in their mouths and pray 108 times of Khata.
- To be safe from poisonous/ dangerous animal is to put takrut with Yant Tri Nisinghei in their mouths, and pray 108 times of katha

LP Boon Tham Wat Samakiyalam ,suphanburi had quoted that this Takrut Tri Ni Sing Hēi is not easy to create .i.e. defend from sickness and epidemic, protect from harmfulness of the black magic, spirits and demon, the junction of three roads, reverse bad to become good, use for making holy water for pregnant mother to help easy to deliver a child. It depends on each person to make a wish.
This Takrut Tri Ni Sing Hēi creating amount is very limited.Size of this takrut is approximately 2.5 inches long. There are 3 temple codes,one on center and two side of the end of takrut .

Katha takrut yant tri nik sing Hei :
Namo tassa x 3 time
Bhu san mit -
sak tak wik pik pak sak wu -
ah pa ma ju pak -
nak mak pak tak-
Chap pang Lang si ya-
Tik mak Sang ang kud -
Ni pa nang - ak sum wik su low Pu sak bu pak - nak mo bhu tha yak-
Pak tik lu pang -
Ak ah yit yi wuk wu ai O -
Yak tha bhu mo nak .


  断穷根大师龙婆彌猜:八方聚财的传奇佛牌 在泰国的众多高僧之中,有一位被誉为“断穷根大师”的传奇人物——龙婆彌猜大师。他所在的寺庙瓦巴甘猜帕塔纳塔兰,位于素琳府,是不少信徒心中的圣地。大师一生致力于帮助信众摆脱贫困,功德无量。他所加持的“圣物”充满了神奇的力量,尤其是“Ng...