Monday, 20 October 2014

Wat BangKhunProm 2547

The Phra Somdej amulets were created by His Holy Highness Pra Maha Jamnong Jarana Thammo, the senior monk at Wat BangKhunProm Temple. The objective was to raise sufficient funds to construct a school for teaching and meditation.

During the period of meditation it was said that the late Somdej Phra Buddhacharn Toh Prom Rangsee appeared in his dreams and offered support for all his endeavours. He c...onsulted with the other senior monks and they all agreed that they should also construct a statue in honour to be placed at Wat Tan Jed Yod in Pranburi District, Prachuab Kirikan Province.

On the 3rd March 2004, many senior monks were invited to jointly participate in the ceremony to bless the amulets. Some of the senior monks and abbots present were as follows

Phra Tep Wisoot
Wat Rakhang,Bangkok

Luang Phor Tim

Wat Pra Kao, Pranakhon Ayuttaya Province

Luang Phor Jua

Wat Klang Bang Kaew, Nakhon Pathom

Luang Phor Oun

Wat Tan Kong, Phetburi Province

Dr Preecha Thamyano

Wat Mai Amataros

Luang Phor Thiam

Wat Mai Amataros

Luang Phor Thong

Wat Jakkawat, Bangkok

Luang Phor Sa-Ngar

Wat Ban Mor, Ratchaburi Province

The amulets were created from a mixture of fragments from the original Somdej Phra Buddhachan Toh amulets, 5 magic powders excavated from Wat Rakhang (preserved by the senior monk Pra Tep Wisootti Methee), 200 year old bricks from Wat Rakhang where Somdej Toh had organised the religious rites and blessed his original Somdej amulets, various relics of Lord Buddha including many types of auspicious woods and holy water. The 5 magic powders used to create these amulets offer specific blessings and magic.

Maha Raj Powder

Business and trading success

Poot Takoon Powder

Safeguard against black magic

Tri Ni Sing Hae Powder

Ward off evil spirits

Itti Jae Powder

Personal attraction

Many of the amulets have also been soaked in holy water and blessed for a period of three months.


  断穷根大师龙婆彌猜:八方聚财的传奇佛牌 在泰国的众多高僧之中,有一位被誉为“断穷根大师”的传奇人物——龙婆彌猜大师。他所在的寺庙瓦巴甘猜帕塔纳塔兰,位于素琳府,是不少信徒心中的圣地。大师一生致力于帮助信众摆脱贫困,功德无量。他所加持的“圣物”充满了神奇的力量,尤其是“Ng...