Friday, 13 September 2013


这是史上罕见的经文符管称为8种心要符管,里面可说是千变万化,因为它可能因人的需求而变化无穷。 Tarkut功能 :Takrut Hua Jai Maha Burut Paed Jumpuang(8种心)是依据1000年前白衣师傅的秘法制成。这类符管能提升运气,贫穷的人可以变得富有,富翁可以继续持有他的财富,运气不好的人戴了会行好运,可得到八方贵人的扶持,没有丈夫的女生会能找到她的如意郎君,寻贤妻的男生会能找到妻子,有家庭纷争的将和睦共处停止争吵,没有孩子的将会有孩子,愚钝人也能变得聪明. 风水不好的房子,田地,农作物,公司,货仓可把这符管埋在地上就能改变磁场,好运也能跟着来。 把符管放在佛像底部与每日念经,吸气时想‘布’,呼气时想‘托’字,重复数次后直到心无杂念后,就念‘吐洒逆骂’数次后就能实现愿望,但这也需要靠个人的意念与修行了。 Takrut Hua Jai Maha Burut Paed Jumpuang (8 kind of Humans heart) made by follow Ancient Legacy of Great Archan 1,000 years ago. Provides Luck and all type of Wealthiest, a Poor man become Richer, a Rich man can keep his wealthness, Bad luck person will have Luck, Gain Nobility, a Woman who seek for Husband will get one, a Man who seek for Wife will get one, Arguing Family will stop, don't have child will have one, the dumb will be wiser. A deteriorated House, Farm, Plantation, Company, Store, bury this Takru or attached to Label, prosperous day will come. Put Takrut under the Buddha statue and pray everyday, breath in think "Put", breath out think"Tho" several times until your thought has calm, then pray " Tu Sa Ni Ma" several times and your wish could be true, it depends on your strong will.


  断穷根大师龙婆彌猜:八方聚财的传奇佛牌 在泰国的众多高僧之中,有一位被誉为“断穷根大师”的传奇人物——龙婆彌猜大师。他所在的寺庙瓦巴甘猜帕塔纳塔兰,位于素琳府,是不少信徒心中的圣地。大师一生致力于帮助信众摆脱贫困,功德无量。他所加持的“圣物”充满了神奇的力量,尤其是“Ng...