Takrut Singplang B.E.2561
Stunning image of Singplang(Transform Lion God), with the head and skin of Dragon and 3rd eyes open to see all fortune. Body of the Lion god name Norasing. Tail of King Musshanu, fish king calling wealth, 4 feets of Eagles's claws to be able to grab on to everything. The image of Singplang grabing the money bag, bless/chanted then rolled into powerful takrut with strong protection to fortune.
Takrut Singplang made total of 108 takruts, limited batch. Ceremony Wai-Kru(worship elders/masters spirits) B.E.2561bless/chated by many monks, lead ceremony by Kruba Krissana, abbot of WatWeruwan temple.
Powerful blessing protection takrut, mahagarn great power, khongrapan invincible. Protection from all harm/dangers misfortune, evils/darkness. Powerful protection takrut by Kruba Krissana Intawanno.
Your Paradise with Beautiful Thai Buddha Amulets and Talismans. 149 Rochor Road # 03-24 Fu Lu Shou Complex Singapore 188425 contact no:+65 8109 8509 ,+65 8137 6627
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