Saturday, 17 December 2016

Kruba Noi Uppaku

Monk: Kruba Noi.
Temple: Wat SidonMon.
Special: This is Great Magical Powers of Phra Upakut ODumSap Sitting Snail 
Size:H:3cm x W: 1.8cm

strongly blessed by Kruba Noi in year
BE2558. Featured image of Phra Upakut with Lotus Leaf at Top Head and 
Eating posture & Hand Holding Alms Bowl posture and snail cover at back. 
Kruba Noi is fame to blessed the Powerful Phra Upakut. Supplied with temple box. I highly recommend to you.
Phra Upakut was an Arahant who the Buddha praised for his Great Magical Powers, and who was said by the Lord Buddha to be the most powerful of all the Arahants. Before the Buddha entered Nirvana, he asked Phra Upakut to remain alive until the coming of Buddha Maitreya and protect the Buddha Sasana and the teachings of the Dhamma. Phra Upakut is still alive to this day, and resides in the middle of the Great Ocean, with a Lotus Leaf on his head and remain alive and rise to the assistance of the Dhamma whenever needed.
Effect: Prosperity, Wealthy fetching, Bring Good Protection and Peace, Improve to strong business luck, your business can grow when everything is going your way.


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