Saturday, 19 December 2015

Butterfly amulet by Khuba Krissana

This is Excellent White Skin Jumbo Butterfly King With Phra Trimurti & Phra Pikanet /Phra pidta strongly blessed by Kruba Krissana in year BE2556 for celebrated Loy Krathong. Featured sacred Butterfly Yant with White Skin of Colourful Butterfly King image at front with embedded Phra Pikanet /Phra pidta and Gemstones at front for this batch. Additional embedded with Phra Trimurti, 24pcs Gemstones, 4 Silver Takruts and (Phra Trimurti, 28pcs Gemstones, 4 Silver Takruts & 4 Spiders) for this Batch. This sacred Golden Phra Trimurti is very empowerment to fulfill your Love wishes come true, Phra Trimurti is consider as God Of Love by Thai people. An exciting flowers fragrance from this Butterfly amulet.
This sacred Golden Phra Trimurti is very empowerment to fulfill your Love wishes come true, Phra Trimurti is consider as God Of Love by Thai people.Blessed by Kruba Krissana and recite “Thewa Nakri", the ancient magic for Great Kindness, Charming and Wealthy. He use his Holy soil, 108 herbs and flower powder, Mong Kao, oil, and so on. Use long time to blessing and passed many rituals. An exciting flowers fragrance from this Butterfly amulet. 

Effect: This kind of Butterfly amulet will make you more attractive and charms, Phra Trimurti will fullfil your love wishes come true, Improve your luck in business, blessing for prosperous fortune and wealthy. Dissolving disharmony and discord between people. Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims.


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