Saturday, 27 December 2014


Natural LEKLAI and Powerful Holy Mineral 59
Types LP Yai cut holly lekrai from caves.
1. Add strength to the body
2. Invulnerable. ...
3. Balance the body, Meditation, The serenity.
4. Protection from magnetic signal waves, Phone signal waves.
5. Add ascendancy, Good Luck, Good Trade.
6. Things a great inducement to the owner.
7. Protection you from your occult, black magic, an evil power, Can Protect Genii.
8. Protection you from poisonous animals


  断穷根大师龙婆彌猜:八方聚财的传奇佛牌 在泰国的众多高僧之中,有一位被誉为“断穷根大师”的传奇人物——龙婆彌猜大师。他所在的寺庙瓦巴甘猜帕塔纳塔兰,位于素琳府,是不少信徒心中的圣地。大师一生致力于帮助信众摆脱贫困,功德无量。他所加持的“圣物”充满了神奇的力量,尤其是“Ng...