Monday 1 May 2017

B.E.2515 Phra Kring Somdej Ya

Rare collection B.E.2515 Phra Kring Somdej Ya 72 years of Princess Srinagarindra Batch Wat Benjamabopit Dusitwanaram (Wat Ben), Bangkok

Great ceremony and great Buddha amulet

100% Authentic from Temple

Name: B.E.2515 Phra Kring Somdej Ya

From: Wat Benjamabopit Dusitwanaram (Wat Ben), Bangkok

Origin: Thailand

Year: B.E.2515 (C.E.1972) 

Material: this Phra Kring bucha created from many holy materials such as old Phra Kring amulets from Wat Suthat and other. 

Purpose for making: Donate the money to restore and develop the buildings in Wat Benjamabopit

Ceremony: there were 108 top monks around Thailand joined to bless inside Buddhist church of Wat Benjamabopit such as LP Waen of Wat Doi Mae Pung, LP Toh of Wat Pradu Chimplee and other. 

Powerful: Phra Kring Somdej Ya bucha  has many excellent powers such as bring progression, successful and happiness to worshiper. 


  在佛历2559时泰国曼谷迎来了一件特别的圣物——校庆90周年特别版药师佛,一尊由多位高僧亲手撰写经文符片,以及使用古老金属佛牌炼制而成的至宝。这期药师佛的制作旨在为曼谷学校筹集基金,同时也希望能为信众带来祥和与福报。 法会在曼谷瓦波温寺举行,当天诸多知名高僧齐聚一堂,其中包括...