Tuesday 21 February 2017

Phra Sankajai

Monk: LP Pong 
Temple: Wat jaeng 
Year: 2555
Amulet: Phra Sankajai

Additional info:

PT Pong was given the rank of Pra kru sit thi karn so phon (PramahaPhong Thanudhammo) 
He was born on 4 January 2475 B.E. father name Hoy and Mather name Phoon. He was given name Pong Aksornthong.

He was ordained on 28 december 2492 at Wat jaeng with LP Chen Wattha Miram as his preceptor. he graduated in Buddhist theology 4th level. His master is LP Noo Wat jaeng who was a close disciple of Lp Dit Wat Pak Sak (creator of the most expensive sangkajai)

LP Pong is metta monk. He follow strict rules and morals to be pure in the mind. As such, many people respect him. His lor boran (pour mould) amulets were made by LP Paen Wat jaeng who is his disciple. His amulets have a lot of experience with gun shot and wearer going unharmed. 
Lp Pong is currently 84 years old passing 67 pansa. 

This Sankajai is made in accordance to the mould of Lp Dit Wat Pak Sak Which currently cost more than 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 baht depending on condition.


 虎油百草之力 必达旁帕甘 圣物:必达旁帕甘 寺庙:瓦玛哈塔&桑照腊门 佛历:2549 系列:坤萨 材料:铜、虎油、108药草 法会:2场 在泰南的洛坤府,一场神秘而震撼人心的仪式,这是一次超越寻常的加持,融合了虎油百草之力与天神庇佑,使得这些佛牌散发出更加强大的能量。 ...