Thursday 3 December 2015

Jatukarm Akaramahasetthee

Amulets Description:Akaramahasetthee Jatukarm is bless by Arjarn Boon Suung,Arjarn Bak Soot,Luang Phor Nui (Wat Kor Hong) .Arjarn Bak Choke and also some southern Luang Phor .They are performed the ceremony in Wat Pha  Mahathat (Nakon Si Thammart),Lak Meung(City Pillar of Nakon Si Thammart and other temples.It is bless in 6 ceremony but unfortunately Arjarn Boon Suung has just perform 2 out 6 ceremony and he has fell sick and passed away.There is many miracles occurs in this batch of Jatukarm .

for example: There is a guy who encountered gun shot in bangkok but he is not injured or hurt,only burning marks on the body.

Dimension : 3.5cm

Material: Gold Micron

Purpose:Wealth,protection,Metta,business and good luck.

Quantity:Total made of 3000 pieces


  在佛历2559时泰国曼谷迎来了一件特别的圣物——校庆90周年特别版药师佛,一尊由多位高僧亲手撰写经文符片,以及使用古老金属佛牌炼制而成的至宝。这期药师佛的制作旨在为曼谷学校筹集基金,同时也希望能为信众带来祥和与福报。 法会在曼谷瓦波温寺举行,当天诸多知名高僧齐聚一堂,其中包括...