Sunday 8 November 2015

Yod Khun Pon



What is Yod Khun Pon?
Phra Yod Khun Pon was thought to be a fengshui buddha or war time victory buddha. Phra Yod Khun Pon is actually Buddha preaching abhidhamma in tavatimsa heaven. Sometimes other Yod Khun Pon also shows Buddha descending from tavatimsa heaven. If you notice carefully, some Yod Khun Pon are seated while same are standing.

Above are some pictures showing Buddha descends from tavatimsa heaven. Some are show Buddha preaching abhidhamma.

On Pavarana Day , Buddha descends from tavatimsa heaven on stairways of jewel , gold and silver.
Normally you will see devas beside buddha. Or sometimes sometimes you will see Brahma holding the ceremonial umbrella, and Indra carrying Buddha's bowl.


 虎油百草之力 必达旁帕甘 圣物:必达旁帕甘 寺庙:瓦玛哈塔&桑照腊门 佛历:2549 系列:坤萨 材料:铜、虎油、108药草 法会:2场 在泰南的洛坤府,一场神秘而震撼人心的仪式,这是一次超越寻常的加持,融合了虎油百草之力与天神庇佑,使得这些佛牌散发出更加强大的能量。 ...