Monday, 30 November 2015

Pee Jook

Pee Jook made with old copper material and blessed by LP Mai for a period of 3 months.
Best for wearing on neck or pocket
According to LP Mai, if you ever desire to become a rich tycoon, successful businessman or powerful money-maker, it is best to use the powerful Pee Jook
Effect for:
1) Because the Pee Jook angel boy is the greatest money magnet, it will ensure lots of money to be attracted to the owner. Pee Jook generates financial success, enable you to earn higher incomes and build greater fortunes
2) Strong to ask for lottery luck, gambling luck and clear debts or loans
3) Grant all kind of wishes for the owner, helping in business luck, career luck, family harmony and metta
4) Praying to Pee jook is especially auspicious to generate career enhancement, promotional luck, multiplication in business opportunities, doubling of wealth resources and doubling of good fortune for the family.
5) Protection for all family and owner.
6) Helping you to be successful in everything that you do.

You could worship Pee Jook by reciting Namo incantation and lighting 9 joss sticks, and then say: “Kayaputto mamaputto nimitputto sunyaputto a-rahungputto pakawati.”

Pee Jook

 “Pee Jook” - Securing Good Fortune in Business Affairs
100% Authentic from temple

Name: Pee Jook is a Guman Thong angel
Pee = Brother 
Jook = Toknot

Master: LP Mai

From: Wat SuanLuang, Samut Songkhram province 

Color/ Presented: Black / Pee Jook is standing and did not wear 

Materials: Metal

Purpose for making: This amulet made for developing the temple.

Holy Ceremony: An abbot created this amulet follow Pee Jook image that LP Mai in the meditation and blessed by three month.

Powerful: Power from this Guman Thong can bring good business and protection to the owner.

According to an abbot, when you need him help for something. You have to use 9 incenses.

Biography of Wat SuanLuang
Wat SuanLuang in Samut Songkhram province is an old temple. The age of the temple is at least 180-200 year. LP Peug  was an abbot this temple. LP Peug has deep knowledge of Visha and very highly respected in the present area. Many years later, this temple was very old and damaged. People invite new abbot to renovate this temple.

Regarding to create Pee Jook amulet (Guman Thong), an abbot wants to develop the temple but LP has not enough money to do that. One night, normally LP has to pray before to sleep. LP was sitting in front of the altar and took a posture of transcended meditation. LP saw a child. He has a black skin and did not wear a cloth, there is a rosary hanged on his neck. He told an abort “I want to help LP to develop the temple”. LP asks him “Do you can do that? A child. It must use a lot of money”. Pee Jook said, “First of all, you must call me Pee Jook not call a child. Because I am 170 year old. I am a Guman Thong Tep and live in this temple long time ago. Do not worry! Just create this amulet and wait for donation”.
LP have been created “Pee Jook amulet” and blessed many longtime. There are many people believes and rent Pee Jook amulet. Pee Jook want to help people to get luck and wealth by his power. It was finished quickly for first batch. LP has to create second batch and third batch for who need to worship. Everyday many people come to rent Pee Jook amulet. They believe that Pee Jook is especially powerful in success and make them get a good luck. Until now, this temple has been renovated already.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Lp Thar Last Batch Khun Phaen


 Khunphaen  Saen Bot (Last Version)
This is Thai amulet which improves personal charisma and bring great popularity to possessor.An opposite sex will fall for the holder in no time.A wearer should wear the amulet and make daily incantations to increase its power.After p. The ossessing the amulet, business owners , salespersons or professionals who are required to meet with customers on daily basis will improve their performances significantly. 
The amulets were charmed by Grandmaster Monk's great compassionate incantations.The spells were casted over hundreds of time untill the amulets were filled with great power.
During the incantation process, one could see that Khunpaen amulets changed their color to shining red even the holy threads surriunding the amulets were caught up in flame.When someone wanted to extinguish the fire,the Grandmaster Monk stopped them and said that the fire would extinguish by itself.After his words, the fire went out.Moreover, there was no single burnt on the holy threads.This made all the witnesses shivered with amazement at the power of spells casted on the Khunpaen amulets.
The amulet was made from Lokswat (charmed dried fruit of a dead tree )
Which was dried out in the sun for 9 days and crushed into power (Swat means beoved, hence you would be loved in whatever you do)The powder was then mixed with 9 crushed charmed vines.
The power would be casted with spell for another 9 nights before be mixed with crown flower oil which was made during full moon night at the right period.Hence , the power of the mixtures is multiplied.The mixtures were then be casted into amulets and granted to students of the great Grandmaster.
The amulets are to be used only in time of needs.There are many version including Buddha with closed eyes ( can be used to draw wealth) Never - Poor Amulet (possessor will never be poor)
Millionaire Amulet (possessor will turn into millionaire in no time) Holy white - red threads (can be used to all dangers such as black magic , knifes , wild animals, weapons , ghost , demons ets.),Flirtatious Amulet ,Nangkuan Amulet (improves personal charisma), Luangpoo's Robe Amulet (improve fortune and luck) The surfaces of the amulets are sprinkled with crushed old Buddha amulets and temple glass as well as wealth - summon power.
Possessor would attract wealth and people all around.People would have impression on holder even for the first time that they met.They will fall and have deep affection for the holder.Furthermore , theamulets will also attract money and wealth to the holder.This is the last version that the Grandmaster would make.

Lp Inn 2558 last batch God of Love

Phayathorn Brass Mini Statue Khmer Charming Magic LP Inn Wat NongMek


Name in Thai: Petch Phayathorn MahaSaneh Montra Kru Khmer

Maker: LP Inn KhemaTaeWo of Wat Nong Mek, Surin province, Thailand

Effect: Make you more attractive and charms, Dissolving disharmony and discord between people. Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims, Increase Luck tremendously. 

Size: W25 x H38 x D10 mm

Weight: 23g

This Amulet:

This is Powerful Petch Phayathorn - God Of Love With Holy Treasures strongly blessed with Khmer Charming Magic by LP Inn KhemaTaeWo.  Featured with powerful Khmer's Charming Petch PhayaThorn riding Celestial Creature.  This is one of the best charming amulet from LP Inn.  This is made from Brass.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Arjan Ngo Kim Khoi

AJ Ngo Kim Khoi was born in China and went to Thailand when he was 10 years. AJ Ngo Kim Khoi made many businesses until rich. AJ Ngo Kim Khoi like to help people from problem such as checking fortune and Feng Shui. AJ Ngo Kim Khoi helped many millionaires that there are foreigners too such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. AJ Ngo Kim Khoi passed way on 16 January C.E.1983 while he was 85 years old. 








法门:强力招财 守财 提升运势 事业 人缘 关键时候给予帮助 助力 化险为夷 扭转运势 功效全面 

备注:白龙使吴锦溪(白龙王的恩师 早在港台喜欢的白龙王之前早已名噪泰国 所不同的是大师被高官富商等追捧 法事推算命理运程 转运等) 也就是我们熟知的天官赐福 。东南亚首富、泰国正大集团董事长谢国民先生师父 被泰国华人认为是整个东南亚最为灵验的命理推算、 法事 、开悟大师 、无数人炒股票 、房产 、投资都是靠了大师的只字片语而发、 家财万贯 。谢国民早在70年代就拜师,之后每次决策 ,无论是人事用免还是买地投资 、进入新的领域 ,开办新业务都事事遵从白龙使(天官赐福),最著名的一次是正大集团曼谷总公司地址选好后 ,施工工地连续坠楼两人 ,谢国民邀请白龙使做法事 ,之后大厦盖成一切顺利,来年收购了泰国商业银行。 

母钱前面与背后文字“天官赐福” 因为灵验和更多的口碑神迹反馈 。我们熟知的正大综艺 也是大师当年跟谢国民说你的财运在中国大陆 ,于是第一个投资电视节目录制正大综艺宣传其企业形象 那首“爱是正大无私的奉献”很多同龄人都记忆犹新 ,而在这之后正大几乎统治了中国的禽类市场饲料市场。 此符财富 、
运势 、事业 、人缘 、在关键时候给予帮助化险为夷 、扭转运势 、功效全面 。萬福诚意推荐 

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Archan Pakong

2 codes Takrut Saney Mong 
2 印人缘符管。

Takrut Saney Mong

Archan Pakong hand written 5 codes Takrut Saney Mong 




Khuba Noi  水中生财佛-悟帕库尊者。佛历2556 5寸金身


2549 瓦布泰舍玩阿贊初『那朗』甲督刚

『那朗』甲督刚是瓦布泰舍玩中最出名及最具代表性的一期聖物。『那朗』意思是做任何事都會比別人好﹑比別人出色﹑比別人更出眾。當中有泰國著名高級軍官Mr. Jatichitanta數年前為普通軍人,自從配帶『那朗』後逐漸升級至高級軍官,現統領泰國大部份的軍人。各大報章刊物皆有介紹。

Tuesday, 24 November 2015



Monday, 23 November 2015

LP Chao Seng

LP chao Seng 3 inch Phan Boon mini statues arrive.




婆谭乔瓦hoi 噢

Phan Boon Lung Tewada Hai Ngern
Pho Than Keow Wat Hoi Ngor
Chant and blessing 6 times 

人们相信经过雕有"潘汶"面相的头冠灌顶之后, 将成就任何难事并能档掉一切不好的事与物. 此外"潘汶"能助转好运, 能名成利就而且能把人缘发挥到最高最好的效果!


婆谭乔瓦hoi 噢

Phan Boon Lung Tewada Hai Ngern
Pho Than Keow Wat Hoi Ngor
Chant and blessing 6 times 

人们相信经过雕有"潘汶"面相的头冠灌顶之后, 将成就任何难事并能档掉一切不好的事与物. 此外"潘汶"能助转好运, 能名成利就而且能把人缘发挥到最高最好的效果!


佛牌名称:复刻鬼兵必打 阴兵掩面佛





恭请寺庙:瓦胡藏 wathuchang

加持高僧:龙婆迪 LP Tee


鬼兵必打起源浴佛历2480年代 , 当时泰国和维希法国之间因为对法属印度支那的某些原属泰国的地区的所有权发生争持 , 从而爆发了泰法的战争。   而在佛历2484年至2485年卧佛寺(WatPho)的阿赞NU用了骨灰,增强人缘的植物(湾),混入圣粉做了佛袓法相,崇笛法相,必打法相及七龙佛法相的"格督pee"佛牌,"格督"的意思是骨 而"Pee"就是鬼的意思。 泰国士兵佩带这种佛法配合灵异的圣物出战,在阵上犹如打不死的战士,甚至有一些泰国文献记载,法国士兵形容泰军仿如"幽灵战将"!!!令不少法国士兵对这种东方的"神秘法术"不寒而栗!!!"格督pee"佛牌除了挡险一流之外,有很多有佩带的人都提升了人缘,异性缘,正财及偏财,更有人在佩带后发现"格督pee"佛牌有助赌运!!!传说中的魔鬼兵团。有如兵团左右保护。相传睡觉突醒能看见鬼兵在你床边保护你 


 帕西瓦力骑羊圣物简介 创制者:古巴般迪达,清迈府帕塔兹山寺(วัดพระธาตุดอยยวนคำ),缅甸邦彭地区。 缘起与创建 帕西瓦力骑羊佛像(พระสิวลีขี่แพะ)起源于掸族(ไทใหญ่)的民间信仰,因其象征富足与好运,最初专为从商贵族打造。这尊佛像结合了帕西瓦力...