Saturday, 4 November 2017

1st Batch KhunPaen BE2505

LP Thap Wat Krabok 
1st Batch KhunPaen BE2505 
Co-Chanted by LP Tim Wat Lahanrai
LP Thap was the creator of “Sii Perng Kaew”, a kind of sacred honey wax or widely called Sii Perng for increasing one’s charm.

During his early monkhood, LP Thap was extremely hardworking and very intelligent.

He was able to learn and mastered various skills taught by his teachers in very short period of time.

LP Thap excelled in his practice till he was able to create his own “Phong Itijie” (Scared Powder) as a young monk.

Amulets were first consecrated in grand ceremony participated by well-known gurus of Rayong province:

LP Tim, Wat Lahanrai
LP Hom, Wat Chak Mak
LP Yen, Wat Ban Len
LP Lak, Wat Nong Krabok
LP Thap, Wat Krabok Khuen Phueng

Ceremony lasted for 8 hours (6pm – 2am) whereby LP Tim sat in mediation for 8 hours. This historical event was also the First Time LP Tim accepted invitation to leave his own temple for ceremony.

Second blessing for this batch of amulets was conducted by LP Thap himself for full Pansah (3 months of Buddhist Lent) before distributing out to followers whom had donated to the temple.

LP Thap passed away in BE 2509 at the age of 89 years old.