Your Paradise with Beautiful Thai Buddha Amulets and Talismans. 149 Rochor Road # 03-24 Fu Lu Shou Complex Singapore 188425 contact no:+65 8109 8509 ,+65 8137 6627
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
LP Nuam
Don't miss!
100% Authentic from Temple
Name: Pla Kad (fish amulet of wealth)
** Pla Kad Fish Amulet from LP Nuam can attract money and customers. Owner will be rich and do business well.
(FYI: Pla Kad is a small Thai fish with many colors and a habit of fight having English name Siamese Fighting Fish.)
From: LP Nuam, Wat Pothisrichareon, Suphanburi province
LUANGPU NUAM is another famous guru monk of Suphanburi who is famous for Pla Kad, fish amulet of wealth. This year, he is 96 years old.
Objectives: proceeds to build the multipurpose building and the monk shelter at Sriprachan Monastery, Suphanburi province
About Guru Monk:
LUANGPU NUAM, abbot of Pothisricharoen is another famous guru monk of Suphanburi province with good deeds and Visha (magic and mantras). He is highly respected and famous for Pla Kad or Thai fish amulet which amazingly brings good luck and wealth. People who own fish amulet from LP Nuam became rich due to good business and windfalls. LP Nuam keeps the magic of fish amulet from Luangpho Toh, former abbot of Wat Pothisricharoen. LP Nuam is not common. He ever died 2 times first at age 79 and second at age 84. He died for one day and then became conscious wonderfully!
通告 / Announcement 尊敬的客户: 本店将于 2025年1月28日(今日)起休息至2025年2月2日。 我们将在 2025年2月3日 恢复正常营业。 在此期间,祝愿您和您的家人 春节快乐,身体健康,阖家幸福,万事如意! 感谢您的支持与理解,我们期待与您在新年后再见...
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