Friday, 8 July 2016

Wild Boar Plakit

Item:Wild boar Plakit 
Master:Archan Pakong
Material:wild boar tooth

This is Powerful Metta of Superb Rare of 
Wild boar tooth Palakit with yant Tiger & yant Salika, strongly blessed by Archan Pakong. This Palakit created very few pieces in this shape. Featured Hand write sacred Yant, Tiger image, Salika images and all carved one by one. Featured specific sacred Yant at bottom. 

Master : Archan Pakong
Special : This is Powerful & Superb Rare of Wild boar Palakit With Tiger & Salika (Length 7cm x Width 1cm ) strongly blessed by Archan Pakong himself. Archan Pakong said, wearing his made ​​Holy amulets will be significantly changed for the better luck. 

Effect : Best for secure good fortune in business, Great money Luck, Great charms and Strong in bringing up your opposite sex attraction, Protection from bad influence and evil, Metta Mahalap, Harmproof and bring good authority.