Monday, 7 March 2016


Kruba Or this batch of amulet is called roon "Chao Yord Sup". The ceremony  held at Wat Phra Tad Doi Chom Wea on 27 July 2015. Kruba Oar will bless this batch of amulets for 3 days and 3 nights prior to the ceremony.

The purpose for the release of this batch of amulet is to raise funds for the temple. Currently the temple is short of funds and was unable to pay for electricity for many months. From the funds collected, the project team hope to be able to install a power generator for the temple.


 《八大伟人天命符——集天地八方大气运于一身!》 你是否想过,命运真的能被改变? 古人云:“一命二运三风水,四积阴德五读书。”但如果有一样圣物,能让你一跃成为天命之人,你愿不愿意试试? 今天介绍的这款**「八大伟人天命符」,正是源自泰国千年秘传的古老法门,由高僧龙婆楚**遵循古籍...