Thursday, 18 February 2016

Takrut Pokasap

Maha Surasaks amazingly beautiful golden Takrut have turned out to have brought immensely successful results with almost all those people who obtained on of these giant size (6 inches long) special tagrud amulets, bringing great luck in recieving windfalls, business sales and auspicious occurences, that they have become immensely sought after. The Wicha of this particular Takrut making method is a very rare and well kept secret, and is made in a different way to almost all other Takrut, with various strict rules that mantain the purity and power of the amulet. One famouse story about this wicha is that Luang Por Surasak says he is willing to endow anyone with the knowledge of how to make these Takrut, with the sole condition that he who learns the wicha must ordain as a monk and never disrobe! This is because only a Monk who keeps his promise to never disrobe will be able to perform the Wicha. This is part of what makes the Takrut so powerful.

This is certainly not an economy price Takrut, and is also not a Takrut you will see floating aorund amulet stalls or markets at all, for it has been snapped up by a few people who knew of its making and maker, and the Takrut never really got the chance to reach the general public or enter the general amulet marketplace.
If you are seeking a Takrut for riches, but do not have a large budget, then this is perhaps not the perfect choice for you, for there are many other Takruts which also attract riches at lower prices. But for those of you who seek a Takrut of great power, rarity and beauty and are not too limited by your budget, then this is most certainly one of the best, most powerful and beautiful Takrut you could find, be it old or new.

Kata Takrut Pokasap –  Maha Surasak Wat Pradoo

Itaani Ehi Tanang Siri Pokaa Mahaa Sayo Ittiritti Chayya Chayyang Laapa Laapang Sittigammang Prasittime