Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Pra Kring Raksa BE2513

Pra Kring Raksa BE2513

Pra Kring Raksa Din Daen, Nua Thong Pasom, 1st Batch, BE 2513. A noise making copper with high gold alloy Mahayana Buddha figurine holding a bowl of elixir of immortality with punched mark of Emblem of TROTCS under the base. Made by Thai Reserve Officer Training Corps Student (TROTCS), Territorial Defense Command, Ministry of Defense, with Grand Blessing Ceremony by 108 Guru Monks at Head Office of Thai Reserve Officer Training Corps Student (TROTCS) in Bangkok, while Chao Khun Nor was blessing this Batch of amulets extensively with prayers and mantras  at the temple of Wat Thepsirin at the same time. Please note that Chao Khun Nor NEVER left Wat Thepsirin to anywhere else.

In Mahayana Buddhism, it is believed that Pra Kring would help bring 12 kinds of success to the owner. And Thais (Theravada Buddhism) believe that Pra Kring helps bring good health, longevity, cure for all diseases with wealth & prosperity

BEST FOR: This Pra Kring could help reverse your chronic disease and cure the underlying cause of your symptoms, it adverts all distresses, and destroys all deceases. It pushes away all dangers, wards off evil spirits, bad omens, bad spells and curses. It also brings happiness and longevity

*with Certificate of Authenticity from DD-PRA

Nakprok Charay BE2514

Nakprok Charay BE2514

Rian Nakprok Charay, Chao Khun Nor, Nua Thongdang (copper type). Made to commemorate the Monk Robe Offering Ceremony at Wat Oun-puttharam, Chachengsao Province in BE 2514 (CE 1971), made by Office of Commissioner General, Royal Thai Police (Charay Tamruat), Thailand. Blessed by Chao Khun Nor at theTemple of Wat Thepsirin, Bangkok.

*with Certificate of Authenticity from G-PRA

Rian Pra Nakprok Charay was blessed by Chao Khun Nor of Wat Thepsirin on Dec 5, BE 2513 (HM King Bhumibol’s Birthday Anniversary) at the temple of Wat Thepsirin, Bangkok. This Batch of Pra Nakprok amulets was made by Police Lieutenant General Chana Wong-cha-aoom for giving to policemen who stationed in risky and dangerous areas all over Thailand, and for public purchase for a fundraiser for Wat Cha-auumputtharam, Chachengsao Province. There are 3 types of material used for the production of Pra Nakprok Charay, gold = 100 pcs made, silver = 100 pcs made, and black coated copper alloy = 84,000 pcs made.

*Samples of astonishing miracle incident ever recorded at the Royal Thai Police Bureau, the daily report from policemen who wore Pra Nakprok Charay of Chao Khun Nor.

1)Many policemen hung Pra Nakprok Charay on the trees, and opened fire with many type of firearms, but all bullets failed to fire. Then those policemen load those fail to fire bullets to their firearms, and turned their firearms away from Pra Nakprok Charay, those bullets fired themselves, they worked normal. 

2)8 policemen were shot, bullets couldn’t pass through their skin.

3)37 policemen were shot with many types of firearms including M16, but the bullets missed those policemen.

4)1 Border Patrol Police, a landmine survivor, he stood on a land mine, he heard a click sound then he pulled his leg up, but that land mine did not blow up.

5)2 policemen were unharmed after being hit by cars.

6)2 policemen were unharmed after car crashes

7)2 policemen were unharmed after motorcycle crashes

8)1 policeman was unharmed after falling from 4 stories building.

9)49 policemen was bitten by dogs, but dogs’ teeth couldn’t pass through their skin.

10)1 policeman couldn’t manage to start his boat motor, then he put Rian Pra Nakprok Charay in his hands and pray, and boat engine started by itself.

Saturday, 28 October 2017

LPu See

LPu See 督制四面神顶级高手之一. 于晚年2518-2524 住在Wat Sakae寺庙督制. LP Doo师傅即为Wat Sakae主持.







LP Thuad Wat ChangHai Be 2506

LP Thuad Wat ChangHai Be 2506 Pin SoonKor. Archan Tim

Thursday, 26 October 2017



Wat Prasat BE 2506

Phra  Somdej made by Wat Prasat, Bangkok in BE 2506 (CE 1963) . This amulet contains holy powder crushed from Pra Somdej Bangkhunprom amulets made by Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh of Wat Rakang kept in the chamber of Chedi of Wat Mai Amataros (Wat Bangkhunprom), the chamber was officially opened in BE 2500. And many types of Holy Powder from Guru Monks of Thailand.

*with Certificate of authenticity issued by DD-PRA

*This BE 2506 Batch of amulet contains high proportion of holy powder and fragments crushed from Phra Somdej Bangkhunprom much more than BE 2509 Batch of Pra Somdej Bangkhunprom made by Wat Mai-amataros (Wat Bang Khunprom).

Best For : Klawklad Plodpai (brings safety), Metta Maha Niyom (helps bring loving, caring, kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you. Mahalarp (brings lucky wealth and prosperity)

Wat Prasat BE 2506 Batch of amulets was made by Pra Samut Ampol, the Chief Abbot of Wat Prasat between BE 2505 – 2509 for fundraiser of the restoration work of the temple of Wat Prasart. Pra Samut Ampol had collect various type of holy material to make this Batch of amulet such as:

- Broken Pra somdej Bangkhunprom made by Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh discovered inside Chedi of Wat Bangkhunprom

- Broken Pra Somdej Wat Rakang made by Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh

- Broken Pra Somdej Pilan discovered inside Chedi of Wat Rakhang 

- Holy powder left-over from the production of Pra Pong Kwong Kwan of Wat Paknam Pasrichareon, Bangkok given by LP Sod in BE 2497

- Broken ancient amulets from Wat Mahawan, Lamphoon Province

- Holy Powder crushed from Pra Kru Wat Plub made by Somdej Pra Sangglaraj Suk Kaituan

- Holy Powder left-over from the production of BE 2497 LP Tuad of Wat Changhai amulet given by Archan Tim of Wat Changhai, Pattani Province

*This BE 2506 Batch of amulet contains high proportion of holy powder and fragments crushed from Phra Somdej Bangkhunprom much more than BE 2509 Batch of Pra Somdej Bangkhunprom made by Wat Mai-amataros (Wat Bang Khunprom).

The Blessing Ceremony was held continuously for 3 days and 3 nights from the 6th to 9th of March B.E.2506. The second time was held for 4 days and 4 nights from the 13th to 15th of November B.E.2506. Blessed by over 200 Guru Monks including:

- Archan Tim, Wat Changhai
- LP Tim, Wat Laharnrai
- Phor Than Klai, Wat Suan-khan
- LP Noi, Wat Thammasala
- LP Toh, Wat Pradoochimplee
- LP Dang, Wat Kao Bandai-it
- LP Mui, Wat Donrai
- LP Ngern, Wat Donyaihom
- LP Khuay, Wat Kositaram
- LP Phrom, Wat Chongkae
- LP Thop, Wat ChonDaen
- LP Chong, Wat Natangnok
- LP Kheaw, Wat Rongboon
- LP Doo, Wat Sakae
- LP Pare, Wat Pikunthong
- LP Nak, Wat Rakhang
- LP Hin, Wat Rakhang
- LP Boi, Wat Manao
- Archan Nam, Wat Donsala
…and others

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Wat Suthat BE 2484


Luang Phor Suphot 龙普速帕  

Wat Suthat BE 2484 


 这批崇笛佛牌由WAT SUTHAT圣僧Luang Phor Suphot 龙普速帕 及WAT SUTHAT各龙婆于佛历2484年以庙泥、上传下来的经粉及来自本庙WAT SUTHAT和 Wat RAKHANG的老牌碎料 (渗有大量阿赞多亲自开光的古老佛牌碎粒) 混合以人手压制而成,之后再不断颂经加持,因此每一尊的形态也有少许不同。 之后,整批崇笛佛宝于翌年 (佛历2485年) 再由WAT SUTHAT的 SANGKARAJ PAE (第十二任僧王) 及其爱徒赵坤習安排在佛历2485年的著名大开光法会 – 金娜那佛祖 (成功佛) Indorchina大法会中,授意众圣僧级的龙婆作第二次开光加持。当中曾参与这场盛世大开光法会的圣僧包括有:桑卡啦培、赵坤習、龙婆纳、龙婆Phueak、龙婆钟、龙婆倩、龙婆银、龙婆噢巴西等等。 

之后佛宝被安放在WAT SUTHAT的禅房内,再接受众龙婆十五年来不停的颂经祝福,时至佛历2500年,再经由僧王SANGKARAJ PAE (此时已圆寂) 的另一爱徒赵坤習将整批佛宝安排到近代泰国佛教史上另一次最驰名的大开光法会 – 2500年行走佛大开光法会,再次授意众圣僧级龙婆作第三度开光加持,单是经过这两次大型开光法会加持,已非常殊胜,因此,佛宝内藏的经文念力已无用置疑。第四次法会就是佛历2506于Wat Prasat 举行法会,当年的高僧大德多如繁星的年代,随便一指也是修为境界极高的师傅,第五场法会就是佛历2509于春武哩的举行之后就出庙让信众恭请,这批佛牌经历了5场大型法会的洗礼Power是不容置疑的强。

Wat Suthat BE 2484

Luang Phor Suphot 龙普速帕  
Wat Suthat BE 2484 

 这批崇笛佛牌由WAT SUTHAT圣僧Luang Phor Suphot 龙普速帕 及WAT SUTHAT各龙婆于佛历2484年以庙泥、上传下来的经粉及来自本庙WAT SUTHAT和 Wat RAKHANG的老牌碎料 (渗有大量阿赞多亲自开光的古老佛牌碎粒) 混合以人手压制而成,之后再不断颂经加持,因此每一尊的形态也有少许不同。 之后,整批崇笛佛宝于翌年 (佛历2485年) 再由WAT SUTHAT的 SANGKARAJ PAE (第十二任僧王) 及其爱徒赵坤習安排在佛历2485年的著名大开光法会 – 金娜那佛祖 (成功佛) Indorchina大法会中,授意众圣僧级的龙婆作第二次开光加持。当中曾参与这场盛世大开光法会的圣僧包括有:桑卡啦培、赵坤習、龙婆纳、龙婆Phueak、龙婆钟、龙婆倩、龙婆银、龙婆噢巴西等等。 

之后佛宝被安放在WAT SUTHAT的禅房内,再接受众龙婆十五年来不停的颂经祝福,时至佛历2500年,再经由僧王SANGKARAJ PAE (此时已圆寂) 的另一爱徒赵坤習将整批佛宝安排到近代泰国佛教史上另一次最驰名的大开光法会 – 2500年行走佛大开光法会,再次授意众圣僧级龙婆作第三度开光加持,单是经过这两次大型开光法会加持,已非常殊胜,因此,佛宝内藏的经文念力已无用置疑。第四次法会就是佛历2506于Wat Prasat 举行法会,当年的高僧大德多如繁星的年代,随便一指也是修为境界极高的师傅,第五场法会就是佛历2509于春武哩的举行之后就出庙让信众恭请,这批佛牌经历了5场大型法会的洗礼Power是不容置疑的强。


佛牌名称:Wat Huay Mongkhon【瓦慧蒙坤“第一期头帮”靠山佛牌】背面有龙普托圣僧;寺庙现场灌模版; 3场大法会开光加持,92.5% silver制作;超复古品相;4个记号版;让佩戴者在日常生活中一切事物都有依靠、办起事来“运气稳如泰山”

制作寺庙:Wat Huay Mongkhon


2。此【靠山佛牌~龙普托系列】命名为Roon Chao Sua Xianlan,翻译为有《百万靠山》!
在泰国小乘佛教内,有一种佛牌圣物称为“jao suang ”是我们所谓的“靠山”,意思是在日常生活中一切事物都有得依靠,办起事来“运气稳如泰山”之意!


BE2556皇庙瓦慧蒙坤 巴蜀府

BE2556皇庙瓦慧蒙坤 巴蜀府
Wat Huay Mongkhon【瓦慧蒙坤“大模型第一期头帮”靠山财佛】背面有圣僧龙普托;寺庙现场灌模版;3场大法会开光加持;Ner Loha Pasom旧料制作;超复古品相;4个记号版;“靠山财佛”意为超级有钱、有靠山、得到贵人扶持、上司提拔、下属服从、超级贵人缘和拥有金山!


广种福田——阿赞苏力扬庙钉佛牌 在泰国佛牌界,若要评选“既低调又强悍”的圣物,阿赞苏力扬的庙钉佛牌绝对能占一席之地。这款佛牌不仅承袭了龙婆坤的经典造型,更因其罕见的材料——百年庙钉,在收藏界掀起了一波热潮。 庙钉的神秘力量——千锤百炼,方成圣物 什么是庙钉?简单来说,它就是泰国古...