Your Paradise with Beautiful Thai Buddha Amulets and Talismans. 149 Rochor Road # 03-24 Fu Lu Shou Complex Singapore 188425 contact no:+65 8109 8509 ,+65 8137 6627
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Thursday, 26 January 2017
🎊Chinese New Year holiday notice🎊
To celebrate the Chinese New Year🐓, our store will be closed on 27th Jan, 2017 until 30th Jan, 2017.
We will resume business on Tuesday 31th Jan 2017(Tuesday).
We thank you for your continuous support and We Wish you and your family good health, success ,happiness and Happy Chinese New Year!
Wednesday, 25 January 2017
LP Ngern Father of wealth
"Setthi Ngern Lan" batch was primarily made to boost up the morale for Thai soldiers in the restive Southernmost Provinces in Thailand. Proceeds from the donation generated will also be used to restore some dilapidated temples as well as for education scholarships for poor students in the Southern Provinces. Amazingly Luang Phor Ngern's amulets are cherished by the Thais for its protective power and each year many temples will make this evergreen amulet talisman for different charity purposes.
LP Ngern 2557 (Double sided) Wat Bang Khlan Setthi Ngern Lan batch (Amulet 051)
Monk: LP Surasak (Wat Pradoo), LP Sin (Wat Lahan Yai), LP Thong (Wat Phraphutthabat Khao Yaihom) Temple: Wat Bang Khlan, Pichit Province Year: 2557 (2014) Condition: Beautiful, original, double sided Bronze, Traditional not machine cast, 399 pieces .
Size: H 3 cm x W 2cm
Si Hu Ha Ta statue 1st batch
Si hu hata statue 1 st batch
Size: H : 7 inc x w: 3 inc
Mass chanting
**Kruba Boonma**
Wat Samakeetham, Lampang Province
Year:2555 B.E
Si Hu Ha Ta statue 1st batch
Si Hu Ha Ta statue 1st batch
Size: H : 7 inc x w: 3 inc
Material: nawa loha
Mass chanting
**Kruba Boonma**
Wat Samakeetham, Lampang Province
Year:2555 B.E
Wat SoThorn Wararam Voraviharn
The best holy Buddha image of Thailand
Name: LP SoThorn silver coin pin seyma
Batch: Build Buddhist Church
From: Wat SoThorn Wararam Voraviharn, Chachoengsao Province
Material: this powerful Buddha amulet created from silver.
Batch:"6 catch " series
Origin: Thailand
Material: sliver with red color
Year: B.E.2559 (C.E.20166)
Size: H:3.2 cm x W:2 cm
Purpose for Making: donate the money from amulet to build new Buddhist church at the temple.
Ceremony: there were top monks around Thailand joined to bless this LP SoThorn on auspicious day on auspicious day.
Power: People believed that LP SoThorn help to avoid danger and unwanted happenings. Lead away from disasters and disturbance. Moreover, LP SoThorn can bring prosperity, wealth and fulfill worshiper’s desire.
Phra pidta maha luck
Phra pidta maha luck (super luck pidta )
Luang phor kham nuam
Wat kaew charoen
Material: Nuer pon maha ra Ngap 2497 b.E
Wau Thanu
Name: Wau Thanu or Magical ox amulet
From: LP SuPot, Wat SeeSongTum, NaKhon Sawan province
Year: B.E.2557 (C.E.2014)
Material: this powerful ox amulet created from copper.
Size: 3.3 cm x 2 cm
Origin: Thailand
Purpose for making: Donate the money for develop and restore the buildings in Wat SeeSongTum.
Ceremony: LP Supoj properly blessed magical ox amulet with special magic for long time.
Powerful: magical ox amulet by LP Supot is very well known in Thailand and abroad because can help worshiper from dangerous, weapons, black magic and ghost.
Biography of LP Supot:
LP SuPot is an abbot of Wat SeeSongTum in Nakhon Sawan Province. LP SuPot was born on the 25th January B.E. 2497 (C.E. 1954). When he was young, he learnt magic from a guru master in order to protect himself from dangers. After he got ordained as a monk, he went on a pilgrimage called “Tudong” in the deep jungle and stayed in the cave alone. LP SuPot had lived in the jungle for 5 years and succeeded in magic for being invulnerable. After that, LP SuPot went to learn “Yant”, magical writing from LP RaudSurah, LP InTaWaDa, LP Tat of Wat WangPhraNaun and Phor Tow who was a teacher in sorceries. LP SuPot built Wat SeeSongTum since then. He built the temple by himself taking part in construction.
LP SuPot is very experienced in “Visha” or real magic and highly respected in Thailand. Every day, many people go to meet LP SuPot. They really need his help for driving out bad things. In addition, he knows everything and can forecast the future. LP SuPot is one of the famous monks who create Hanuman, TaKrut and others amulets. His amulets are very popular among Thai amulet collectors.
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
帕 Ruang佛
★★而古籍上又有諸多記載,泰國自古許多邦國的國王與首領皆非常喜歡配戴「帕 Ruang佛」,因為 帕 Ruang佛有「王者的佛牌」之名!能保佑配戴者擁有權威與好人緣,並幫助事業順利!非常適合公司老闆、或擔任上司、主官之人配戴。
同時此「帕 Ruang佛」外觀像極了現今的行走佛,但與行走佛並非相同。帕 Ruang佛祖右手屈臂上舉於胸前,手指自然舒展,手掌向外,手結「無畏印」。這一手印表示佛為救濟眾生的大慈心願,能使眾生心安,無所畏怖,所以稱無畏印。
Lp kham Nuam 1st Batch of Phra Pita Pokasup
Lp kham Nuam 1st Batch of Phra Pita Pokasup! It is mixed with lots of powerful material from various guru monks. Some of them are:
Joss Powder of Wat Prasi
Fragment of Somdet Wat Rakang
Fragment of Somdet Wat Bang Khum Prom
Fragment of Somdet Wat Ketchaiyo
Powder of Wat Bowon
Pom Ya Jindamani of Lp Cher, Wat Klang Bang Keow
Loop Om Maha Gaan Lp Kong, Wat Bangkapong
Phra Pita of Lp Toh, Wat Praduchimplee
Phong Puthakon of
Lp Prink, Wat Bang Prakro
Lp Thongsuk, Wat Thanoluang
Lp Jai, Wat Sadet
Lp York, Wat Keow Cheren
Lp Thong, Wat Wang Yao
Lp Pah, Wat Bong Kang Sung
Lp Tak, Wat Chinat
Lp Muang, Wat Yam Ngam
Lp Chop, Wat Kao Rangser
Lp Non, Wat Ner Won
Lp Woon, Wat Tankong
Lp Yit, Wat Nong Jok
Lp Chaleam, Wat Kadontong
Maha Surasak, Wat Pradoo
A.C Tiew, Wat Manichunkan
Lp Jak, Wat Chun
Lp Koon, Wat Banrai
Lp Plen, Wat Nong Maileng
Kamakam set 345 set only
There's also have extra yant drawn on amulet Takrut & temple box .
6 gold Takrut - 1 pcs
5 sliver Takrut - 1 pcs
3 sliver 2 copper Takrut - 1 pcs
2 copper Takrut - 1 pcs
Takrut Poksup - 1 pcs
圣僧龙婆查仁LP Chalerm, Wat Kradong Thong
圣僧龙婆查仁LP Chalerm, Wat Kradong Thong。LP Chalerm(读音:Cha Lamb,Lamb是英文“绵羊”读音;其他写法:LP Chalem/LP Chalam/龙婆查仁/龙婆查楞)。生於佛历2466年9月11日的星期二,今年93歲高齡。
师傅LP Chalerm传承LP Yoy, Wat Thang Savoey,LP Yoy是泰國神通聖僧龍波蜀LP Sook, Wat Makhamtow的得意弟子。跟龍波蜀一样,龙婆Yoy對於戒律很重視!所以LP Chalerm也很重視戒律,現今只要身體許可,师傅还是一样托缽化緣,也选择不睡高床軟枕。
LP Chalerm也常應邀出席大城府的各廟的開光法會,进年師父才開始製作佛牌,目的是帮助師父募集維護已有156年歷史的Wat Kradong Thong寺院基金。師傅是阿育他亞府 ( Ayuttaya )十大老師傅之一。师傅曾经制作过的圣物包括自身牌、顺德牌、坤平佛牌、四面佛等。
~【师傅LP Chalerm”】,是师傅“第一期~抱兔不倒翁模版”自身牌!~此佛牌为有“好运来”之意!并且在底部加入了大量古佛粉及宝石等等不可忽视的力量强大的佛粉,
~师傅LP Chalerm传承泰國神通聖僧龍波蜀法门,加上师傅本身对“佛门戒律”的执着,所以制作的佛牌圣物都有非常好的功效口碑。上图自身牌经过两场加持法会,有助于招正横财运、提升买卖运和生意运、提升人缘运和贵人运!
Phra yod thong (耀通佛祖) 1st batch
Phra yod thong (耀通佛祖) 1st batch
2539B.E (阳历1996)
尺寸:高度:3.5cm x 宽度:2.5 cm
在泰国东北方的EESAN处,于数年前此处有一位高僧,居住于NAKHORN PHANOM,
他就是有“龙皇圣僧”之美誉的LUANG PHU KAMPHAN。
LUANG PHU KAMPHAN曾经遇见多位名师高僧,从中学了不少的禅定要诀。
LUANG PHU KAMPHAN法力高超,精通不少国法术,玄术等等。。所以很多佛牌一
然而,LUANG PHU KAMPHAN在佛历2546年中也因年老体弱,进出医院无数次。
*根据泰国佛教文献记载: 耀通佛祖
: 功能增强灵感、智慧与勇气、可免除一切灾难与不幸,可破除邪恶诅咒、黑暗,破坏阻碍、披荆斩棘、峰回路转、扭转时运、得富贵功名。
旗顶佛 Phra Yod Thong พระยอดธง
旗顶佛的法相造型相当独特,也是泰国的古佛的法相之一,相传在泰国古代大城皇朝时期,战争不断,那时的泰国军队,为祈求旗开得胜,凯旋归来,都会将Phra Yod Thong这尊佛,插在旗杆顶。
那时因为军旗的旗杆插了Phra Yod Thong,也都如有神助一般的攻无不克,所以后代就衍用了这个传统,打仗之前都会将Phra Yod 插在锷顶。
现代虽然没有战争,不过许多高僧都会运用Phra Yod Thong为旗开得胜之寓意,督造Phra Yod Thong佛牌让信众佩带。
据说佩带者在充满竞争的环境之下,比较能够得到优势,商场上的谈判竞争也能够较为顺利抢得先机,因为Phra Yod Thong能够帮助想要赢得胜利之人,只要与Phra Yod Thong心念合一,必将凯旋而归!
Phra Somdej on Elephant strongly blessed by LP Puan
This is Efficacious Phra Somdej on Elephant strongly blessed by LP Puan ThiraDhammo of Wat ChangNoi in year BE2559. Ayuthaya province
Holiness: This LP Puan amulet will bring a worshiper wealth and protection from harm and danger.
LUANGPHO PUAN (age 93, 2015 C.E.) is a highly respected senior guru monk of Ayutthaya province. He is holy and his amulets are holy, too. LP Puan is abbot of Wat Chang Noi, Ayutthaya province where is full of experienced guru monks.
LP Whan Medal (Rian Pairee Pinard)
Deserving Amulet of Worship!
100% Authentic from Temple
Name: LP Whan Medal (Rian Pairee Pinard)
- box set 2000 set only
- Batch (Roon): Pairee Pinard (Enemy Calamity)
- Year: 2558 B.E. (2015 C.E.)
From: LP Whan, Wat Klong Koon, Phichit province
Origin: Thailand
This medal was already blessed by LP Whan whom people trust and respect.
In fact, amulets in previous batches by LP Whan have wonderful effects on worshipers especially in protection. These stories are parts of them.
1. A man showed LP Whan medal that he wore on his son neck and it could save his son from drowning. (revealed 9 April 2012)
2. Kru Kai, a teacher told that once he went to LP Whan to check his fortune. LP Whan said he would see misfortune. So Kru Kai asked LP Whan to make holy water for him. After bathing the holy water, he left for Laos for work. During travel, there was a problem and Kru Kai had to go in another bus. Then he heard that the first bus had an accident. Kru Kai said if he had sat in that bus, he would have died. Kru Kai believed holy water from LP Whan warded off that misfortune. (revealed 9 April 2012)
3. A man who owns the tire repair shop in Phichit province told his experience. On 8 November 2012, his car that had him and 2 employees was hit by a pickup truck. His car was seriously damaged, but wonderfully they all were safe! Teller said he wore LP Whan medal. (revealed 2 December 2012)
4. This was a miracle of a family that has faith in LP Whan. One day, they (father, mother and daughter) had an accident while going home by motorcycle. They all were safe, but a litigant died next day. They believed amulets from LP Whan (Takrut and LP Whan medals) saved them. (revealed 26 December 2012)
Purpose: proceeds for developing and restoring Wat Klong Koon, Phichit province
About Guru Monk:
LUANGPHO WHAN is a respectable senior guru monk. He is famous in Phichit province and other lower northern provinces of Thailand. He is an abbot of Wat Klong Koon in Phichit province. He is a good monk whom people admire and respect. His father was a Thai traditional doctor using magic to cure people and drive out bad spirits. LP Whan saw his father cure people every day. That made him merciful. He also learnt magic from his father. Moreover, he went to learn more magic from many skilled guru monks such as LP Jan, LP Rord, etc. Today, LP Whan becomes a top guru monk who is often invited to join the official blessing ceremony. His amulets are powerful and have real effects on the worshippers.
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广种福田——阿赞苏力扬庙钉佛牌 在泰国佛牌界,若要评选“既低调又强悍”的圣物,阿赞苏力扬的庙钉佛牌绝对能占一席之地。这款佛牌不仅承袭了龙婆坤的经典造型,更因其罕见的材料——百年庙钉,在收藏界掀起了一波热潮。 庙钉的神秘力量——千锤百炼,方成圣物 什么是庙钉?简单来说,它就是泰国古...

龙婆碰 LP Pong, Wat Jaeng, Pattalung ,在佛历 2475 年的 1 月 4 日出生于泰国巴达隆府,今年 84 岁。师傅在 17 岁那年出家为僧(至今已 67 年),师傅曾经向多位老师傅学了非常多的法术,包括 Chao Atikarn Zen 、 Ph...
大二爷伯的佛牌我们已经见多不怪了,可是孝子爷三爷伯佛牌可就让人惊喜万分乐,这款佛牌是道家弟子与蝶王古巴吉沙纳念经开光。 孝子爷的孝心无人能极,而且他也时常劝导世人常孝顺父母与诸恶莫做,孝子爷也非常的慈悲与热心的为信徒们解决难题与指点迷津。 据说只要诚心佩戴孝子爷佛牌能为你招...
山中七宝-珍贵的山猪链 Chong Mu Ba ( 山猪链 )泰语叫“钟牧把” 传说中的山猪链能使配戴的人勇者无敌。现实中佩戴山猪链能增加人缘,受人尊敬,提高自信,辟邪,避降头和避险。一些修法的人拿山猪链来修法,能增加法力。山中七宝中,山猪链排第三。 山猪链有人说是避险圣物之首,...